Be on Real Magic TV

Watch Some of the Magic:

Watch Some of the Exclusive Acoustic Sessions:
Submit Your Band

If you would like to have your band promoted on Real Magic TV
like this sample please fill out the form below:

Band Name:
Genre of music:
Upload Band Photo:

List Your Band Members (one per line): Example: "Adam Levine, Lead Singer"

Your Band's Biography (Tell us your history and what makes you unique):

What is your affiliation to the band?

Your Name:
Your relation to the artist:


Video Samples?
Our editorial team would love to see what your band is all about.
If you have a video or two on Youtube, please copy and paste the full embed code(s) in the box provided.

Embed Code(s):


Any Additional Notes to the RMTV editors?
(Please tell us if you are going on tour soon, or if you will be in or near New York City)

Please verify that all of the information you are submitting is correct. You will receive a refernce number upon submitting this form. Thanks!